Search Engine Optimization

About the course:

Out of the box, WordPress is searching for engine friendly. But you can still do more to make your site visible to search engines and social media networks. In this introductory course focusing on basic setup and usage scenarios, learn how to drive more visitors to your WordPress site by performing search engine optimization (SEO) with the help of two powerful plugins: All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO. Along the way, learn how to take advantage of WordPress settings to help you optimize your site.


The main objective of learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

  • Overview of Search Engine Optimization:
  • What is search engine optimisation (SEO)?
  • Reading a search engine results
  • How SEO affects your
  • How do Search Engines work?
  • Google Ranking Factors 2022
  • Technical SEO
  • How to Audit your website
  • How to find and fix Technical issues
  • How to handle redirects, duplicated .. Etc
  • How to deal with designers and developers
  • Keywords
  • Content Optimization
  • Link-Earning Strategies
  • Measuring SEO Effectiveness
  • SEO Tools
  • SEO reports