Sand Control

Course Objective

The course discusses concepts related to the selection of sand control method and treatment design; conventional low-pressure techniques are reviewed, while frac-pack and high-rate-water-pack are discussed and compared. The course analyses sand control best methods for sand control in horizontal drains and water injectors. Sand management is examined, and its techniques are compared with sand control’s. Quality control procedures for sand control execution and job evaluation are reviewed and discussed.

Main topics are: Basic Rock Mechanics, Sand Prediction, Methods for Sand Control, Gravel Pack Design, Screenless methods, High-Rate-Water-Pack, Frac Pack, Execution and Evaluation.

Topics Covered


Engineers dealing with sand control design and execution.


Participants should have a university degree in a technical or scientific subject.


Day 1

  • Introduction to the course
  • Revision of principles of Geomechanics
  • Discussion of sand Production risk
  • Screens

Day 2

  • Sand Control Design
  • Gravel Pack Methodology

Day 3

  • Sand Control at high-rates (above fracturing pressure)
  • Sand Control in Horizontal Wells
  • Equipment

Day 4

  • Sand Control Water Injectors
  • In-situ Consolidation
  • Screenless Sand Control
  • Remedial Sand Control

Day 5

  • Fluid Loss Control
  • Filtration
  • Sand Management
  • Quality Control
  • Job Evaluation