NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate (EMC)

Course Objective

The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate (EMC) is an ideal choice for anyone who has or would like to have environmental management responsibilities at work. The relevant environmental qualification will help you to:

  • Justify environmental management in the workplace
  • Recognize which workplace activities may be subject to environmental legislation or enforcement
  • Assess environmental aspects and impacts, and evaluate existing controls
  • Support environmental emergency planning
  • Understand the importance of reducing environmental harm
  • Outline the issues associated with waste and its management
  • Explain the pros and cons of various energy sources and how to use them more efficiently.

The following points shall be discussed on the course: This qualification helps you understand how to manage environmental issues and this knowledge can be applied in workplaces anywhere in the world. On completion of the qualification, you will be able to:

  • Understand a range of environmental issues so that you can improve environmental performance and reduce harm
  • Work within an environmental management system and contribute to continual improvement
  • Recognize environmental aspects and associated impacts, and evaluate the effectiveness of existing controls
  • Support decision-making with ethical, legal, and financial arguments
  • Understand the links between your organization’s activities and wider

environmental issues.


  • Virtual or Classroom with Theoretical and Practical

Topics Covered

  • Unit 1: EMC1 Environmental Management
  • Foundations in environmental management
  • Environmental management systems
  • Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
  • planning for and dealing with environmental Emergencies
  • Control of emissions to air
  • Control of environmental noise
  • Control of contamination of water sources
  • Control of waste and land use
  • Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency

Unit 2: Assessing Environmental Aspects and Impacts

  • Practical Assessment


  • This qualification is designed for anyone (managers, supervisors, and workers) in any type of organization.
  • It’s ideal for anyone who needs a broad understanding of environmental

issues to manage day-to-day risks effectively.


  • Fundamental Experience in



  • Introduction
  • Foundations in environmental management
  • Scope and nature of environmental management and key environmental issues
  • The size of the environmental ‘problem’ in terms of the key environmental issues:
  • Local effects of pollution (air quality, noise, waste, lighting, odor)
  • Video (carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect/global warming)
  • Video (water resources and ocean pollution)
  • Deforestation, soil erosion and land quality
  • Material resources, land despoliation, supply chain, unequal distribution of impacts
  • Energy supplies, innovations in food and fuel
  • Waste disposal and international waste trade
  • Agricultural issues arising from global trade
  • Climate change and extreme weather events
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Ethical
  • Legal
  • Financial
  • The actions and implications of pressure and campaigning groups
  • Sustainability its importance
  • The influence of international agreements on national environmental laws
  • Business value of environmental achievements and voluntary standards
  • Relationship of environmental performance and sustainability to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • The role of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).
  • International agreements governing the environment (e.g. Paris Agreement, OSPAR Convention, Montreal Protocol, Basel Convention) and their role in influencing national environmental laws and standards
  • The importance of knowing and understanding local legislation, including for organizations operating in multiple locations
  • Meaning of Best Available Technique (BAT), Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO)
  • The role of enforcement agencies and the consequences of non- compliance
  • Group Exercise
  • The Environmental management systems
  • Reasons for implementing an environmental management system (EMS)
  • Key features and appropriate content of an effective EMS
  • Leadership and commitment
  • Planning and Support
  • Performance evaluation
  • Environmental Audit
  • Benefits and limitations of introducing a formal EMS into the workplace
  • Continual improvement
  • Group Exercise
  • Review of day 1
  • Day 1 Quiz


  • Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
  • Meaning of aspects and impacts (ref ISO: 14001:2015)
  • Aims and objectives of impact assessments
  • Life cycle
  • Types of environmental impact
  • Sources of environmental information
  • Principals and practice of environmental aspects and impact assessment
  • Identification of environmental aspects and associated impacts
  • Determining significant aspects and evaluating current controls
  • Group Exercise (Determining which aspects and impacts are ‘significant’)
  • Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies
  • Importance of environmental emergency planning
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Recognizing risk situations and action to take
  • Video (Emergency Response plan)
  • Information and Training for Internal and emergency services
  • Review and continual improvement of emergency response
  • Support environmental emergency planning
  • Group Exercise
  • Review of day 2
  • Day 2 Quiz


  • Control of emissions to air
  • Air Quality Standards
  • The potential effects of poor air quality
  • Main types of emissions to the atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gases and associated impacts
  • Common sources of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Meaning of ‘Global Warming Potential (GWP).
  • Control measures to reduce emissions
  • Technology available to control emissions
  • Importance of reducing environmental air pollution; and suggest suitable control measures
  • Group Exercise
  • Control of environmental noise
  • Sources and effects of environmental noise
  • The effects of noise: nuisance, stress, loss of sleep, disruption of wildlife
  • Legal considerations (e.g., Noise threshold limits)
  • Common sources of environmental noise
  • Importance of identify sources of noise and suggest suitable control measures
  • Methods for the control of environmental noise
  • Monitoring requirements and arrangements
  • Basic noise control techniques:
  • Isolation, absorption, insulation, damping, silencing
  • Management controls
  • Video (Noise emissions)
  • Group Exercise
  • Review of day 3
  • Day 3 Quiz


  • Control of Contamination of water sources
  • Importance of the quality of water for life
  • Main sources of water pollution
  • Spillages contaminating surface water drainage
  • Spillages onto unmade ground reaching groundwater and controlled waters
  • Drainage and effluent from industry: mining, quarrying and ore processing
  • Agriculture runoff water (contains pesticides, sediment, metals, and fertilizer nutrients such as phosphorous,
  • Nitrogen and potassium)
  • Process water, sewage, and cooling water, leakage
  • Solids which are ‘washed away’, litter and waste
  • Contamination from natural minerals
  • Main control measures that available to reduce contamination of water sources
  • Control hierarchy: eliminate, minimize, render harmless
  • Importance of reducing environmental harm and water pollution and suggest suitable control measures
  • Group Exercise
  • Control of Waste and land use
  • Waste types
  • Minimizing waste
  • Impacts from waste – link to pollution of air, land, and water
  • The problems of waste disposal due to increased volumes from growing population and higher levels of
  • Consumption
  • The business case for minimizing waste
  • The waste hierarchy
  • Managing waste
  • Outlets available for waste
  • Landfill and incineration as ultimate disposal routes; advantages and disadvantages
  • Risks associated with contaminated land
  • Issues associated with waste and support responsible waste
  • Video (Land Contamination and its effects on life)
  • Group Exercise
  • Review of day 4
  • Day 4 Quiz


  • Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency
  • Use of fossil fuels
  • Benefits and limitations of their use as an energy source
  • Benefits and limitations of carbon
  • Renewable sources of energy
  • Benefits and limitations of the use of: solar, wind, hydroelectric, wave and tidal power, geothermal, nuclear, combined heat and power (CHP), biodigesters, methane recovery
  • Energy efficiency
  • Benefits of energy efficiency
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved reputation
  • Monitoring requirements and arrangements
  • Control measures available to increase energy efficiency
  • Ways to achieve energy efficiency
  • Video (Energy use of the World)
  • Group Exercise
  • Group Discussion on Unit one Open Book Examination Guidance (EMC1)
  • Group Discission on Unit two Assessing environmental aspects and associated impacts (EMC2 Practical assessment Guidance)
  • Group Exercise
  • Review of day 5
  • Day 5 Quiz