ICV for Supply Chain Professionals


In-country Value (ICV) is a key concept in supply chain management, which refers to the extent to which goods and services procured from a country contribute to the country’s economic and job creation. This course will cover key topics such as ICV key elements, supplier development, and local content development. Participants will learn how to design and implement an ICV program, measure ICV performance, and build reliable supply chains.

This two-day training course is designed to provide participants with a sound understanding of ICV and how it can be applied in supply chain management.

Course Objectives

The key objectives of this training course as follows:

  • To provide participants with an understanding of ICV and its relevance in supply chain management
  • To equip participants with the knowledge needed to design and implement effective ICV programs
  • To introduce participants to how ICV performance is measured
  • To shade lights on how to build reliable local supply chains

Learning Methodology

It is recommended that candidates for this training course have a sound background of supply chain management (SCM), as this course is not intended to address SCM topics specially. Also, it is strongly recommended to have an overview about ICV in Oman.

This course is delivered in English language and addresses knowledge level of competence.

In the face-to-face session participants will learn by active participation during the presentation using a wide variety of instructional techniques. There will be group exercises and case study to allow better understanding of the topics and instructional films will be utilized to present relevant examples. After the formal session on each day, up to one hour for One-on-One coaching sessions on the subject will be offered.

Course Duration

The total duration of the course is around 12 hours over 2 days, i.e. Six hours per day.

Size of Learning Batch

In order to maximize the benefits for each participant and to ensure engagement of all, it is recommended that the learning batch to be between 15 and 20 participants

Room Set-Up

Training room setup is most conducive with comfortable, group setting such as round or oval table setting where each of the participants can clearly see each other and converse comfortably. Not to be mentioned, the basic setup of a training room such LCD projector, flap chart, audio system,…etc.

Who Should Attend?

This course is suitable for professionals involved in supply chain management, procurement, supplier development, and local content development. It is also beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners and managers, as well as anyone interested in learning about ICV and its applications in supply chain management.

Workshop Outline

  • Introduction to ICV and its relevance in supply chain management
  • ICV measurement and analysis
  • Building effective ICV programs
  • Supplier development
  • Local content development
  • Measuring ICV performance
  • Building reliable supply chains
  • Case studies and practical exercises
  • Summary of key learning points
  • Final Q&A session