ESG and Business Strategy

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is becoming an increasingly important measure of corporate performance. A growing number of investors are demanding ESG disclosure and reporting, and lenders are integrating ESG assessment tools into their decision-making and policies. Financial services professionals, managers, and executives must now rise to the challenge of integrating ESG into their corporate strategies while mitigating risks to the bottom line.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand ESG and its impact on the financial services industry, Identify major ESG regulatory developments, trends, and market practices.
  • Integrate ESG issues into thinking, decision-making, and reporting, Understand, analyze, and provide recommendations on ESG assessment and mitigation ” Understand and evaluate the correlation between ESG and corporate financial performance, Understand the methodologies for calculating social return on investment and social impact assessment.


Day 1

  • Session 1: Understanding ESG & it’s Importance.
  • Session 2: Global Frameworks & Taxonomies.
  • Session 3: Sustainability.
  • Session 4: ESG Strategies.


  • Session 5: Risk Assessment & Mitigation.
  • Session 6: Measurement, Management & Reporting.
  • Session 7: Developing a Framework for your Organization.