Customer Service

Customer Service – Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • State what customer service means in relation to all your customers, both internal and external
  • Recognize how your attitude affects customer service
  • Identify your customers’ needs
  • Use outstanding customer service to generate return business
  • Build good will through in-person customer service
  • Provide outstanding customer service over the phone
  • Connect with customers through online tools
  • Deal with difficult customers

Customer Service – Outline

Module 1: Who We Are and What We Do?

  • Who Are Customers?
  • What Is Customer Service?
  • Who Are Customer Service Providers?

Module 2: Establishing Your Attitude

  • Appearance Counts!
  • The Power of a Smile
  • Staying Energized
  • Staying Positive

Module 3: Identifying and Addressing Customer Needs

  • Understanding the Customer’s Situation
  • Staying Outside the Box
  • Meeting Basic Needs
  • Going the Extra Mile

Module 4: Generating Return Business

  • Following Up
  • Addressing Complaints
  • Turning Difficult Customers Around

Module 5: In-Person Customer Service

  • Dealing with At-Your-Desk Requests
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of In-Person Customer Service
  • Using Body Language to Your Advantage

Module 6: Giving Customer Service over the Phone

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephone Communication
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Tips and Tricks

Module 7: Providing Electronic Customer Service

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication
  • Understanding Netiquette
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Examples: Eliminate Electronic Ping Pong

Module 8: Recovering Difficult Customers

  • De-Escalating Anger
  • Establishing Common Ground
  • Setting Your Limits
  • Managing Your Own Emotions

Module 9: Understanding When to Escalate

  • Dealing with Vulgarity
  • Coping with Insults
  • Dealing with Legal and Physical Threats

Module 10: Ten Things You Can Do to WOW Customers Every Time

  • Ten Tips